PUV rams man in pedestrian lane

Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) Jeepney crashed on a man in pedestrian lane during red traffic light in Tikay, Bulacan last February 19, Sunday.

Due to the incident and though still alive, the unidentified victim received multiple injuries along with broken bones and internal bleeding after being rushed out to a hospital.

According to Ronie John Quidatao, a
witness, the victim was crossing the pedestrian lane with his bicycle as traffic light signalled red when PUV ran into the victim and knocked him a few meters on the road.

“We were on the drive thru [of a fast food chain] when the accident happened and people crowded the street. To the drivers who carelessly run their vehicles, please do be more cautious," he said.
(Nando’n kami sa drive thru [ng isang fast food chain] ng nangyari ‘yong aksidente at nagkukumpulan ‘yong mga tao roon sa kalsada. Sa mga driver na careless magpatakbo ng sasakyan, mag-ingat naman po kayo)

(photo courtesy to Ronie John Quidatao)

Also, Quidatao added that they thought the victim was dead at first as he wasn’t moving for the first 15 minutes.

“He's still alive. He's probably not moving for at least 15 minutes," he said.
(Buhay pa naman siya! Siguro mga 15 minutes hindi gumagalaw.)

As he was in the scene, Quidatao recorded a video and uploaded it in Facebook, garnering different reactions from the public.

(video courtesy to Ronie John Quidatao)

Until now, the suspect is left without charges as the victim’s family are still uninformed from the incident.
