Reflection: Consider the 3Cs of our faith

"He [Jesus is with us in all pur experieces except in sins."

There are two contrasting things in today's liturgy/celebration, the Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem and the Passion of Christ. These two are opposite, the former commemorates the entry to Jerusalem, that Jesus was accepted by the Jews as they shouted, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest" (Lk. 19:38), while the latter was a rejection and mockery made by the Jews as they said, "Crucify Him."

We're invited in our celebration for today to avoid inconsistencies, instead let's manifest a faith that is unwavering. Let's consider the 3 Cs of our faith:

1. CREED - Let's profess our faith not just by the mouth but by experience, never let hardships turn our back on Jesus, He is with us in all our experiences except in sins.

2. CODE - Love begets love, as God showed His ultimate love in Christ's offering of Himself, let's give back the love through living in Him, following His precepts.

3. CULT - is the expression of our faith. Today, Palm Sunday, the churches are flocked by people, they wanted their palms to be blessed, may we, not only today, regularly come to Jesus in the Eucharist.

Let our faith be an interconnection of these 3 Cs. 

A Blessed Palm Sunday!

Reflection by Rev. Fr. Leopoldo Evangelista III
