Tips to Improve Your Prayer Life

  A prayer is a very significant part of a believers’ life. It strengthens their relationship with the Lord. It keeps them close to Him for they are being embraced by his Spirit every time they pray. Some people talk to God effortlessly. Some people don’t. Somehow, they find it hard to pray. There could be two reasons. First, they get easily distracted. Second, they don’t know how to pray.

If you’re one of them, here are two set of tips to help you out with your prayer life.

I.     Prayer as a Lifestyle:

For me, one way to get rid of distractions and be more comfortable while praying is to make it a habit. Let it be part of your daily activities. The more you pray, the more you find it easy to talk to God because it has become a part of your life. Here are a few tips to help you turn prayer as a lifestyle.

  • Find a Peaceful Place to Pray From. The less noise there is, less distractions there will be. Peaceful quiet places help us concentrate more on our prayers.
  • Set Your Prayer Time. Praying at the same time of the day helps it become part of your regular routine.
  • Use Spare Time to Pray. We have these certain times when we don’t use too much concentration in our work such as walking, doing exercises or in long hours of waiting. We can pray and talk to God while we’re at it.
  • Talk to God Continually. 10-20 minutes throughout the day is enough.
  • Do Fasting. Taking away our desires from time to time helps us a lot to think and reflect.

      II.    Heart’s in Prayer:

        Praying doesn't have any particular formats. Do not over think prayer. What you just have to do is put your heart in it, fully. And then everything will follow. So how are you going to start it? Here are a few tips for you.

  • Remain Humble. Humility keeps us from evil. It keeps God close to our lives because we are far from thinking that we do not need Him in our lives.
  • Have a Proper Understanding of God and Yourself. We tend to put our hearts more into our prayers if we truly understand and truly believe in God to the extent we can. Same as with ourselves because we can never hold back everything we wanted to say and express to Him for we have fully accepted Him in our lives.
  • Get really good at short prayers. Talk to God in all honesty. Prayers don’t have to be lengthy or wordy. What matters is that it has the focus, authenticity and the depth of faith in it.
  • Listen to God. Remember to also read His Word. We shouldn’t just be the one who’s always talking. We must also learn to listen to Him.
  • Pray with Sincerity. God listens to our innermost hearts. God is always there waiting for us to fellowship with Him.

And that ends my list. Have a fruitful Prayer Life. God bless!
